To Resolute or Not To Resolute

The year is coming to an end! We all begin to reflect on the year and try to think of ways to make the new year better! Making New Year’s Resolutions is a way for us to set goals and make commitments. What if we set goals that helped everyone feel better?

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Not The Same Ole Same

Every year we make resolutions that are challenging to keep. If you have ever gone to the gym in January, you will notice that it is packed, but by March it is nearly empty! Of course, we all want to work out and get healthy! The problem may be that we create an enormous amount of pressure once we set up a resolution and tell others about it! This can be a recipe for disaster and sets us up to fail.

Try making small changes that can lead to big results. Instead of setting huge resolutions, try incorporating small healthy habits into your daily routine. Here are some simple ideas to get started:

1. Take the stairs instead of the elevator

2. Drink more water throughout the day

3. Add an extra serving of vegetables to one meal

4. Walk or bike instead of driving for short distances

By implementing these small changes, you are creating sustainable habits that will make a significant impact on your overall health and well-being. And remember, it's not about being perfect all the time but rather making progress towards a healthier lifestyle.

Alternative Resolutions

Acknowledging and appreciating everything that you’re grateful for is an excellent way to feel happier every day of your life. You could start a journal to focus on the good things that are happening in your life. But if you’re like most people, your journal will quickly become an item on your to-do list that gets pushed aside when things get busy. So instead of committing to a daily journal practice, why not try incorporating alternative resolutions into your routine?

One great resolution is to learn something new. Instead of setting a specific goal like “learn how to play the guitar,” which can feel overwhelming and hard to stick with, aim for a more general resolution such as “try one new hobby every month.” This gives you the flexibility to explore different interests and allows for breaks in between trying new things. Plus, you never know what hidden talents or passions you may discover!

Another alternative resolution could be focusing on self-care. In our fast-paced society, it’s easy to neglect our own well-being. But taking care of yourself should always be a priority. This can look different for everyone, but some ideas include setting aside time for a relaxing once a week, scheduling regular exercise or meditation sessions, or even just committing to getting enough sleep each night.

For those looking to give back and make a positive impact in the world, volunteering could be the perfect alternative resolution. Instead of trying to stick with a strict volunteer schedule, simply aim to commit one day per month to helping out a cause that you’re passionate about. This allows for flexibility in your schedule while still making a difference.

Something A Little Different

Let's rethink why we set goals! Every year we try to do something great, but often we give up before seeing the benefits of our actions. What if we set different goals that are not directly about ourselves? Instead of focusing on personal achievements, let's focus on making a positive impact on the people around us.

Every day we encounter people who need something! Do you know something that makes most people feel better? A smile! Yes, a simple smile can instantly change someone's attitude. Another wonderful way to help others feel better is simply by acknowledging them with a greeting or saying good morning. We challenge you to try it and don't tell anyone that you're doing it. Keep this goal to yourself to reduce the pressure when you forget to smile or when someone doesn't respond positively to your actions.

You will reap the benefits of acknowledging others! Your attitude will change and you will feel more capable of achieving other goals. You have control over your happiness and have the power to brighten someone else's day with a simple gesture. Let's expand kindness and positivity, one smile at a time.

Remember, small acts of kindness can make a big difference. It doesn't matter if it's a stranger or someone you know, showing them that they are seen and appreciated can have a lasting impact on their day. And who knows, maybe your small act of kindness will inspire them to do the same.

One way to ensure that our lives are better is to try to brighten the lives of others!

So, let's accept this challenge together and see the difference we can make in our communities. Let's spread joy, love, and smiles! After all, happiness is contagious, so let's infect others with it! #SmileChallenge #SpreadingKindness

We want to wish everyone a Happy New Year! Have a fun time creating great new traditions and resolutions in 2024! We are excited for the year ahead and all that it holds!


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